I've often wondered this. Daniel served as God's representative in many a tyrant's throne room and did everything you said in a kind of solidarity. Solidarity in what however, we are not made privy. From my own corner Daniel was moved by love for people out of the understanding that even in their state of exile He was a part of the people of God who were God's representative to the nations. Love, faith and hope sustained him and out of that love He was able to extend love to others who were entirely different than He was and even hated Him at times.

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Yes, I really think you're right. We have multiple instances where he stood his ground and didn't capitulate to demands that compromised his beliefs and understanding of God. But he grieved for Nebuchadnezzar before N's humbling! The only person in the whole book that he seems to have no patience for (and he still does his job) was Belshazzar, and the commentary I've been reading ( https://churchsource.com/products/daniel-a-discourse-analysis-of-the-hebrew-bible?currency=USD&variant=40773193891937&stkn=0537a4b57eb9&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAw6yuBhDrARIsACf94RULRzgVhFjMdFew37sojeY5ZP1WNddIawSh8aZvGgUDHxx72NlfyVYaAv8oEALw_wcB ) does a good job explaining why that is.

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